Frequently Asked Questions


1- What is the purpose of forming the “Action for Human Rights” association?

“Action for Human Rights” association was formed with the aim of creating a fund to support people from inside Iran and activists of the “Women, Life, Freedom” movement inside and outside the country, who need financial or non-financial assistance.

2- Does this association follow a specific political thought?

Although the members in the association have different intellectual tendencies, the foundation of this association was the defense of human rights. Therefore, this association does not follow any political thought and its only purpose is to help people who need support and help to continue their lives.

3- Is this association affiliated with the government of the Islamic Republic or a foreign government?

“Action for Human Rights” Association is a non-governmental organization and has no financial or emotional affiliation to any country or government.

4- Can political parties and groups support the “Action for Human Rights” association?

Any person, group or party can support the “Action for Human Rights” Association, but the Association for Action for Human Rights has and has no affiliation with any movement, and the attempt to subsume this association under any political movement is denied by the Association. will be.

5- What will happen if a person does not write the reason for sending the donation in the description section when sending the donation?

First of all, an attempt is made to contact the person who sent the financial aid and ask them in what field they would like their aid to be spent, but if they cannot be reached for any reason, their aid will be in line with Support for political prisoners or support for the wounded of the “Women, Life, Freedom” movement will be spent.

6- If a group wants to deliver its aid to the Iranians inside the country through this association, how can it find out about the arrival of its aid?

In cases where the help is non-political, a video report will be recorded and sent to the representative of the group who is in contact with the association, but if an association intends to cooperate in supporting the victims of the movement, it can introduce a representative to get all the documents. And the documents that show the aid reaching the hands of political prisoners and their families. The injured of the movement and their families and the families of the killed movement should be provided to them.

7- Can donors deduct the amount they send to the association from their taxes?

Since the Association “Action for Human Rights” is a registered association and has an official activity license, we will send a receipt at the end of the year to those who have sent money to the association, through which they can receive their contribution. Deduct from your taxes.


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