Hiva’s leg was injured by a war bullet during the protests against the government killing of Mehsa (Gina) Amini in Sanandaj, and always needs surgeries.

15 million Tomans was needed to perform the last operation on Hiva’s leg, which was prepared and paid with the support of a friend from Australia.

The cost of the hospital was 10 million tomans, of which 7 million 500 thousand tomans had to be paid by the patient and the rest was paid by health insurance.

Also, the amount of 1 million 20 thousand Tomans was spent on the preparation of medicines, which was paid by the patient.

The cost of going to and from the hospital was 300,000 tomans.

The remaining amount for the living allowance was given to the family in cash to cover current expenses, in the situation that she is not able to work at the moment.

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