The association “Action for Human Rights” began its work in January 2023.

After the murder of Jina (Mahsa) Amini on September 16, 2022, by the morality police in Iran, nationwide protests/quasi-revolution broke out. Tens of thousands of people were arrested during the demonstrations, over 500 individuals, mostly young people, were killed, and many protesters were brutally injured, with some even blinded by direct shots to the eyes. 

In response to the situation, we (some medical professionals, pharmacists, and political activists based in Germany) decided to organize adequate emergency aid for the wounded and their families.

The main goal of the association is now primarily to support people in Iran who are persecuted under the law due to their political, religious, or sexual orientation. In most cases, these individuals receive lengthy prison sentences under very inhumane conditions of detention. And in some cases, they even face the death penalty. 

For the “traumatized” relatives of the detainees, the living conditions imposed by the regime in Iran become increasingly unbearable and particularly intolerable in these difficult times, in order to set an example.

They are virtually harassed, and in some cases, they are denied any right to work, leaving them in urgent need of financial support or assistance in essential medical care.

To help these people, we need your support!

Verantwortlich:Ehsan Abri (Vorsitzender)


Mob: 0049-15734347295

E-Mail: info[at]action-for-humanity[punkt]org

 Registereintrag:VR 3405 FL


 Wirtschafts-Identifikationsnummer:gemeinnütziger Verein


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